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2. Referencing Guide: Poetry

The St Clare's College Referencing Guide follows the Harvard Referencing Style

Information regarding this guide

This page will provide you information on referencing and in-text referencing poems in the following categories:

Poem within anthology - editor

Reference list/Bibliography

Poet Last Name, First Initial. Year ‘Poem title’, in Last Name, Initial (ed.) Book title. Location: Publisher, page number pp. xx-xx or p. x.


Owen, W. 2000 ‘Dulce et Decorum’, in Philip, N (ed.) Best-Loved Poems. London: Little, Brown, p. 106.

In-text referencing


Wilfred Owen's Dulce et Decorum (Phillip (ed.) 2000) explores the experiences of a soldier in the trenches during World War One.


Owen uses many similes throughout the work; "Knock-kneed, coughing like hags," (Phillip (ed.) 2000, Verse 1, Line 2).

Poem - online

Reference list/Bibliography

Poet Last Name, First Initial. Year Poem title, viewed date, URL


Owen, W. 2000 Dulce et Decorum, viewed 11 March 2020,

In-text referencing


Wilfred Owen's Dulce et Decorum (1920) explores the experiences of a soldier in the trenches during World War One.


Owen uses many similes throughout the Dulce et Decorum; "Knock-kneed, coughing like hags," (Owen, 1920, Verse 1, Line 2).