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2. Referencing Guide: Books

The St Clare's College Referencing Guide follows the Harvard Referencing Style

Information regarding this guide

This page will provide you information on referencing and in-text referencing books in the following categories:

Tips when referencing books:

  • Most of the information you need to reference a book can be found on the 'copyright page' (usually located at the front of the book after the title page.
  • Always list your resources in alphabetical order using the author's last name.
  • When in-text referencing use p. when referring to information found on one page and pp. when referring to information found on more than one page.

One author

Reference list/Bibliography

Author year, Book title, publisher, place of publishing.


Miller, D 2012, The girl with the butterfly tattoo, Random House Australia Pty Ltd, North Sydney.

In-text referencing


Miller (2012, pp. 165-168) discuss the health effects of eating disorders and extreme dieting including...


The health effects of eating disorders and extreme dieting include...(Miller 2012, pp. 165-168).


Miller (2012, p.165) states that eating disorders "affect all of the body's systems, from the skin, hair, teeth and nails through to all the body's tissues and internal organs."


Eating disorders "affect all of the body's systems, from the skin, hair, teeth and nails through to all the body's tissues and internal organs" (Miller 2012, p.165).

Two authors

Reference list/Bibliography

Ball, O & Gready, P 2006, The no-nonsense guide to human rights, New Internationalist Publications, Oxford.

In-text referencing


Ball and Gready (2006, pp. 18-19) discuss the human rights violations in the 20th century as some of the worst in history.


The human rights violations in the 20th century were some of the worst in history (Ball & Gready 2006, pp. 18-19).


Ball and Gready (2006, p.19) state that "human rights were never more widely accepted or grossly violated than in the 20th century."


"Human rights were never more widely accepted or grossly violated than in the 20th century(Ball & Gready 2006, p. 19).

Three authors

Reference list/Bibliography

Kelly, N, Rees, R & Shuter J 1998, The 20th century world, Heinemann Library, Oxford.

In-text referencing


Kelly, N, Rees, R and Shuter J (1998, p. 6) declare that there was conflict in some part of the world in almost every year of the twentieth century.


There was conflict in some part of the world in almost every year of the twentieth century (Kelly, N, Rees, R & Shuter J 1998, p. 6).


Kelly, N, Rees, R and Shuter J (1998, p. 6) declare that "in almost every year of the century there has been war in some part of the world."


"In almost every year of the century there has been war in some part of the world" (Kelly, N, Rees, R & Shuter J 1998, p. 6).

Four or more authors

Reference list/Bibliography

Chartrand, R, Durham, K, Harrison, M & Heath, I 2008, The Vikings voyagers of discovery and plunder, Osprey Publishing Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom.

In-text referencing


Chartrand et al. (2008, pp.142-195) discuss the evolution of the Viking longship from the Ice Age through to the magnificent ships built in the 13th century.


The Viking longship has evolved significantly from the Ice Age through to the magnificent ships built in the 13th century (Chartrand et al. 2008, pp. 142- 95).


Chartrand et al. (2008, p.142) states that "the demands of warfare, trade and exploration led to distinct variations in the basic design of these ships."


"The demands of warfare, trade and exploration led to distinct variations in the basic design of these ships" (Chartrand et al. 2008, p.142).

Organisation as author

Reference list/Bibliography

Organisation year, Book title, publisher, place of publishing.


Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs 2006, Australians on the Western Front, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Woden, ACT.

In-text referencing


The Department of Veterans' Affairs (2006, p. 11) explains that it would have been unthinkable that Australia not automatically go to war with Britain in 1914.


It would have been unthinkable at the the time that Australia not join Britain in WWI. (The Department of Veterans' Affairs 2006, p. 11).


The Department of Veterans' Affairs (2006, p. 11) explains that "when Britain declared war against Germany on 4 August 1914 it would have been unthinkable to Australians at the time that Australia was not also automatically at war."


"When Britain declared war against Germany on 4 August 1914 it would have been unthinkable to Australians at the time that Australia was not also automatically at war(The Department of Veterans' Affairs 2006, p. 11).


Reference list/Bibliography

Editor's last name, editor's initial (ed.) year, Book title, publisher, place of publishing.


McKim, D (ed.) 2003, The Cambridge Companion to Martin Luther, Cambridge, UK.

In-text referencing


McKim (ed. 2003, p. 3) describes that it was through the careful use of money and resources and by working hard that Luther was able to gain a well-respected place in society.


It was through the careful use of money and resources and by working hard that Luther was able to gain a well-respected place in society (McKim ed. 2003, p. 3). 


McKim (ed. 2003, p. 3) states that "during the course of his life he was able to gain a well-respected economic and social position through enormous hard work and thrift."


"During the course of his life he was able to gain a well-respected economic and social position through enormous hard work and thrift" (McKim ed. 2003, p. 3). 


Reference list/Bibliography

Author's last name, author's initial year, Book title, eBook, publisher, place of publishing, viewed, URL


Bloom, H (ed.) 2018, Classic mystery writers, eBook, Chelsea House, UK, viewed 17 October 2019, 

In-text referencing


Bloom (ed. 2018, ch. 25) states that despite the increased repetition and conventional formulas in Christie's later novels, her work was as popular as ever.


Despite the increased repetition and conventional formulas in Christie's later novels, her work was as popular as ever (Bloom ed. 2018, ch. 25).


Bloom (ed. 2018, ch. 25) states that "Christie's later novels were not as highly regarded as her earlier ones, and readers and critics alike detected an increasing repetition of conventional formulas in her works; but her popularity continued unabated."


"Christie's later novels were not as highly regarded as her earlier ones, and readers and critics alike detected an increasing repetition of conventional formulas in her works; but her popularity continued unabated" (Bloom ed. 2018, ch. 25).

Books written in a foreign language

Reference list: 

Author Last Name, First Initial. Year Published. Title in the original language [Translated title]. Place of Publication: Publisher.

Lemmens, M 1996, 'La grammaire dans les dictionnaires bilingues', in H Béjoint & P Thoiron (eds), Les dictionnaires bilingues [Bilingual dictionaries], Duculot s.a., Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 71-102.

In-text referencing:

 (Lemmens 1996)

Books translated from a foreign language

Reference list:

Author Last Name, First Initial., Year published. Title of book. Translated by Translator First Initial Last Name. Place of publication: Publisher.


Coelho, P., 1993. The alchemist. Translated by A. Clarke. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

In-text reference:

(Coelho, 1993)