This page will provide you information on referencing and in-text referencing Legal Sources in the following categories:
Case Title [Year] Law Report Abbreviation Starting Page Number
Nyungar Circle of Elders v West Australian Newspapers Ltd [2001] HREOCA 1
Nyungar Circle of Elders v West Australian Newspapers Ltd [2001] HREOCA 1 is a precedent in relation to cartoons breaching the Racial Discrimination Act (1975).
In Nyungar Circle of Elders v West Australian Newspapers Ltd [2001] HREOCA 1 it was argued that the cartoon "fell within the exemptions in S.18D of the RDA" (para. 3).
Act (Parliament)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 (Cwlth)
First in-text citation
In Section 142R (1A) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 (Cwlth)…
In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act s.142R (1A), it is stated that, "the Minister may fix the eligible number for the TSRA by notice in the Gazette."
In specified circumstances the Minister is able to fix the eligible number for the TSRA (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act s.142R (1A).
In subsequent in-text citations:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act
Parliament Year, Bill Title
Parliament of Western Australia 2004, Evidence Amendment Bill 2004
Evidence Amendment Bill 2001, S.4(5) indicates that if a party intends to dispute a matter the request needs to be in writing 5 business days before the hearing.
Evidence Amendment Bill 2001, S.4(7) states that, "A party disputing a matter stated in the certificate may, with the leave of the court, require the party relying on the certificate to call any person involved in the receipt, 15 storage or examination of the thing to give evidence at the hearing."
Treaty Title (Abbreviated title) Year of opening/Year of signing, (Series Name/ First page), opened for signature full date, entered into force full date.
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 1989, (resolution 44/25), opened for signature 20 November 1989, entered into force 2 September 1990.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) argues that ...
The CRC (1989, art.12) states that "children have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taken into account."