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2. Referencing Guide: Journals/Periodicals/Databases

The St Clare's College Referencing Guide follows the Harvard Referencing Style

Information regarding this page

This page will provide you information on referencing and in-text referencing journals and databases in the following categories:

Tips when referencing journals/periodicals/databases:

  • Most databases will have a Harvard referencing generator. While it is a good idea to use this, you may need to edit the reference as there can be slight differences in Harvard referencing styles.

Article from a database

Reference list/Bibliography

Author's surname, author's initial year, 'article title', Journal title, volume number, issue number, page number, (database name).


Soroye, P, Newbold, T & Kerr, J 2020 'Climate change contributes to widespread declines among bumble bees across continents', ScienceVol. 367 Issue 6478, pp. 685-688, (online Ebscohost).

In-text referencing


Climate change could increase species’ extinction risk as temperatures and precipitation begin to exceed species’ historically observed tolerances (Soroye, Newbold & Kerr 2020, p. 686).


Soroye, Newbold, and Kerr (2020, p. 686) suggest that "increasing frequency of hotter temperatures predicts species’ local extinction risk, chances of colonizing a new area, and changing species richness."

World Book

Reference list/Bibliography

Author's surname, author's initial year, 'article title'World Book Student, World Book, place of publishing, viewed date, URL


Raleigh, DJ 2020, 'Russia' , World Book Student, World Book, Chicago, viewed 2 March 2020,

In-text referencing


The shift toward capitalism that began in the 1990's has not yet cured the shortages of food, services, and manufactured goods which have been common features of city life in Russia (Raleigh 2020).


"Russia's parliament, which is called the Federal Assembly, consists of a lower house known as the State Duma and an upper house called the Federation Council" (Raleigh 2020, para. 13).

Infobase Online

Reference list/Bibliography

Author's surname, author's initial year, 'article title', Journal/Source, Database, Infobase Online, viewed date, URL


Navarra, T 2002, 'Immune system', The Encyclopedia of Asthma and Respiratory Disorders. Health Reference Center, Infobase Online, viewed 2 March, 2020, 

In-text referencing


An antigen is a substance capable of triggering an immune response and can be a bacterium, fungus, parasite or virus (Navarra 2002para. 9-10).


"The immune system protects by barring the entry of, or destroying, dangerous foreign organisms while fostering peaceful coexistence of protective or beneficial organisms" (Navarra 2002, para. 2).