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1. Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide: Technologies

The Design Process - Technologies

The design process involves taking a number of ordered steps; design processes and production processes; to create a designed solution that considers social, cultural and environmental factors.

Brief – investigating, defining and empathising

  • Research – gather information about the company/business/entity for which you are designing.
  • Collaborating - communicate with the client, ask questions. Empathise. 
  • Define requirements – what does the client want to communicate and achieve? Identify the goal.


Designing – innovation and creativity

  • Use research and information gathered to direct design ideas.
  • Initial brainstorming and thumbnail sketching of ideas.
  • Develop best ideas as more detailed sketches.
  • Experiment with media and technological tools, establish what methods will best lead to final resolution of design.
  • Consider all applications of design (eg. Posters, merchandise, website, etc.)
  • Seek feedback from client on design ideas.
  • More sketching of ideas if needed based on feedback.


Producing and implementing – prototype/resolution and presentation

  • Finalise your ideas and create/render designs.
  • Mock-up designs as relevant applications (eg, if it’s a poster, print it at poster size. If it’s a CD cover, print the design at the correct size and present in a CD case.)
  • Seek feedback from client on designs.
  • Make changes where needed based on feedback.


Justifying and evaluating

  • Justification of final design solutions. Explain why you made designs decisions and how your design communicates what was intended to the intended audience.
  • Self-evaluation - measuring your performance against established criteria.