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1. Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide: Arts

Processes for the Development of Ideas - Arts

Research and Investigation of Theme/Ideas

  • Look through magazines, books, internet and collect appropriate images that may give ideas/information for a theme for art/design work. Annotate your images.
  • Select the best theme and extend your research and investigation.
  • Investigate how well-known artists have developed similar themes or ideas.


Development/Exploration of ideas

  • Review images and artist’s work selected for research/investigation so far.
  • Explore theme/ideas with a series of small exploratory sketches.
  • Make further series of sketches - annotate by explaining initial ideas. 
  • Consider the possible presentation of theme and form – make sketches.


Experimentation with materials, techniques and equipment

  • Review research, investigation and development of ideas completed so far.
  • Experiment with appropriate material and techniques, explore surfaces, etc.
  • Extend experimentation with the most effective/suitable materials and techniques.
  • Annotate all work clearly explaining techniques/effects, etc.


Resolving ideas and presentation of work

  • Commence work on your final work – e.g. Artwork, Series of Photographs or Sculpture. Make a plan for how you will use your time and what order you need to do things in.
  • Work through any issues by problem-solving and trouble-shooting. It may be necessary to change your plan a bit as you go. Seek advice on your work from teachers, peers or family.
  • Complete your artwork.
  • Write a short artist statement to explain your ideas. Proof-read this to make sure it is clear before submission. 
  • Submit your final work and/or prepare it for exhibition.