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1. Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide: Years 11 & 12

General Information about Writing Practical Reports - Years 11 & 12

  • Your report needs to be written so that other people can repeat the experiment for themselves or can adapt the experiment to test other ideas.
  • Practical reports should avoid the use of I, we, the group etc. throughout the entire report. Instead it is better to write in the third person eg. “This was done”.
  • If the practical report is an assessment task then refer to the specific task requirements as specified by the teacher.
  • Structure may vary depending on subject e.g. for Psychology you may need to include 'Ethical Considerations' instead of 'Safety and Hazards'

Formatting of the Practical Report

  • Font: A clear readable font
  • Font size: 12
  • Line spacing: 1.5 Spaced
  • Subheadings should be 14 font size.
  • Unless specified in the section, all sections should be written in full sentences and show paragraph structure.

Structure of the Practical Report

Title page

  • St Clare’s College Year 11 & 12 Assessment Task Submission Form where appropriate.

Title and Date

  • This is written at the top of the page and is a descriptive yet concise title of the experiment.
  • On the top right corner of the page include the date on which the experiment was performed.


  • An abstract is designed to allow readers to get an overview of the experiment so that they can decide whether or not they need to read it further.
  • An abstract is a short summary (about 5 sentences, maximum of 150 words) of your experiment.
  • It will describe briefly what the experiment was about, what the findings were and any further investigations, which should be addressed.
  • Does not include discussion points only results.

Introduction/background information

  • The background information of an experiment tells the reader the theory behind the experiment. It may explain how and why something occurs.
  • The introduction should be written in paragraph form and answer any questions given to you by your teacher.
  • It is important that the information you present is in your own words and is not copied directly out of a text book, encyclopedia or from the Internet.
  • The sources you use in the introduction need to be referenced using the St Clare’s College Referencing Guide.
  • Sometimes a diagram or figure can help you explain the theory behind the practical, or formulae.
  • If you put a figure in it needs a title and source.


  • The aim of the experiment describes what you are going to be investigating. It is usually only about 1 to 2 sentences and outlines the purpose of the experiment.


  • The hypothesis is a statement that expresses what the scientist thinks will happen. It is a short statement that does not include the first person (not I, we).

Materials and Equipment

  • This section gives a list of the items which have been used or will be used to complete the experiment. It is written in point form. It does not include things such as your notebook or pens/pencils.
  • Include quantities and concentrations used.

Safety and Hazards

  • List the potential hazards and how they are going to be minimised with reference to safety equipment where necessary.
  • This can include safe behaviours specific to the practical task.
  • This may include the completion of a formal risk assessment.


  • This section should include how the experiment is set up and run.
  • It should be written as a stepwise and sequential procedure.
  • It should be written in past tense and passive voice.
  • It should include when to record your results.
  • Where appropriate, the method should include a scientific diagram of how the equipment was set up and should be referred to in the method.
  • If hand drawn, the diagram must always be in pencil and two dimensional.
  • All straight lines must be ruled and all apparatus must be labeled.


  • This section is a clear statement of results in the form of observations, tables, graphs etc.
  • Graphs and tables must be titled and use correct headings, unit and scales.
  • Include any relevant calculations using raw data.


  • The discussion is a concise, focused account of the findings.
  • A careful analysis and interpretation of results which may include and demonstrate:

                        » Good understanding of the scientific principles on which the investigation was based;

                        » Consideration of applications and further experiments which could be undertaken

                        » Errors and ways to improve the investigation


  • This section should be a summary statement of one to three sentences in length.
  • A conclusion should:

                       » Refer to whether the aim was met.

                       » Refer the whether the results support the hypothesis.

  • Your conclusion does not have to be scientifically correct, but it must reflect what was found out by doing the experiment.


  • This should be presented using the St Clare’s College Referencing Guide.

Appendices and Notes

  • This should include any raw data and calculations etc. that has been summarised in the results.