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Technologies Guides: Year 11/12 - Building and Programming Circuits

Task Overview

Task type: Prototyping

You are an intern at NASA and need to show your supervisor the plans you have for creating a new circuit for the International Space Station to alert astronauts that they have an incoming message from Ground Control.

The circuit will be created using an Ardunio and associated input and output components. 

  • It must include one LED light that blinks.
  • You may add sophistication using a sensor that triggers the light e.g. a button or ultrasonic sensor or add extra notification such as a buzzer.
  • Investigate the International Space Station and current circuitry that exists on the station.
  • Investigate the issues around creation, supply and maintenance of electronics on the station.

See Assessment Task for further details.

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Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide

Referencing Guide

Buidling a circuit

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Take apart the $150 billion International Space Station to uncover the extraordinary innovations that enable it to support life in deadly space.

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