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Technologies Guides: Technologies Report Structure

Technologies Report Structure


In your introduction, you define and describe the topic or issue.


This section allows you to select, identify and analyse evidence of research into the issue including how this topic has been highlighted in the media with reference to your collection of articles. You may include statistics or wider research in relation to the issue.


Select, identify, organise and analyse appropriate information as relevant to your issue. You should use a topic sentence before adding the information in a paragraph.


Identify two viewpoints in the issue. Viewpoints are those of individuals or groups affected by this particular issue. Set out some of the research and opinions/quotes for each viewpoint.  Provide a comparison of the differing viewpoints.

Drawing Implications

In this step, you will come to a decision from your research and present your final opinion. Your statement should use evidence to compare and contrast any findings from the viewpoints, research and relate back to your chosen topic.


You can include a number of sections to your Appendix where you place additional information referred to in your report. For example:

Appendix 1: Longer extracts for article relating to your topic

Appendix 2: Other Information

You can include any other relevant information in your appendix.  This may include: tables, graphs, images, etc.