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Science Guides: Earth and Space 4/Biology 4 - Multimedia Presentation: Pecha Kucha

Task Overview

Choose a Global System from the list below. Discuss your choice with your teacher.  

  • The water cycle 

  • The carbon cycle 

  • The nitrogen cycle 

  • EXTENSION: The phosphorous cycle 

Use these questions to guide your research: 

  1. In a natural ecosystem, what processes are involved in your chosen cycle? Model and explain your chosen cycle.  

  1. What human activities affect your chosen cycle? Analyse their effects on your chosen cycle.  

  1. How have these human activities impacted climate change and/or the biodiversity on Earth and in Australia?  

  1. Where to next? What role can technologies play in decreasing human impact on global systems and climate change? 


You will use your research to create a reduced Pecha Kucha multimedia presentation.


What is Pecha Kucha?

Database - Infobase Online


Use World Book Advanced and type your chosen Cycle into the Search bar.