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Science Guides: Biology - Inquiry / Practical Task

Task Overview

For this task you are required to research the effects of one of the drugs listed below. You will then use the information gathered to complete the 3 components of this task.  

The substances you can select from are: 

  • MDMA (ecstacy) 

  • Cocaine 

  • GHB 

  • Ketamine 

  • Amphetamine (speed) 

  • Methamphetamine (ice, crystal meth) 

  • Marijuana (cannabis) 

  • LSD (acid) 

Part 1: Introduction 

Word Limit 1200 words – Please include Word count on your submission  

Research the effects of the chosen drug on the body, focusing on the impacts to the nervous system and how homeostasis is disrupted. 


  • An overview of homeostasis and the role of the nervous system in maintaining it 

  • A description of the drug  

  • Critical analysis of how the drug: 

  •  affects neuron functioning and the transmission of electrical signals 

  • affects a person’s ability to integrate and process sensory information 

  • Hazards to the nervous system, plus other organs/ body systems from short-term and long-term use of the drug, including how these disrupt homeostasis 

In-text referencing and a full bibliography (following the St Clare's College bibliography guide) is required.  Information should be presented in size 12 font, with standard sized margins and written in paragraphs. See the Lib Guides for more information.   

Part 2: Practical activity  
Design a practical activity, targeted at students in Years 10 to 12, to model/ simulate the potential effects of taking a drug on a person’s ability to integrate and process sensory information. 

The activity is to be designed to be conducted in a classroom or space within the school as part of a ‘Drugs Pastoral Care Program’. 
Note: This activity will not be conducted. 

The worksheet that you produce to guide students through this practical activity needs to include; 

  • A brief introduction (200 - 250 words) 

  • Aim 

  • Materials list  

  • Procedure (including description of potential risks) 

  • Results table (for students to fill in if they conducted your experiment) 

Extra Information 

  • Length: This worksheet should be approximately 2 pages in length (including diagrams). If any additional resources are required (eg. Music files or a PowerPoint), these should be listed as materials, and included with your submission. 

  • Your experiment needs to be a fair test, reflecting accurate use of the scientific method.  

Please note: you are designing an experiment which models the effect of sensory/coordination impairment (not the cause of the impairment).  
An example of this type of activity is the use of alcohol impairment simulation goggles “beer goggles” by different organisations to educate young people on the effect of alcohol on vision and coordination and the dangers of drink-driving. 

Part 3: Discussion  

Based on the experimental design, and information gathered through research (Introduction), write a 400 - 450 word Discussion which addresses the following points. 

  • Propose what the results would have been if you had conducted the practical activity with a class of students. Justify your response.  

  • Critically analyse what students would learn from this practical activity and how knowledge of this topic could be applied to the real world. 

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