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Teacher Resource Guide: Libguides

Libguides Information

LibGuides is a content management system which allows Learning Commons staff to curate knowledge and share information, organize class and subject specific resources, and to create and manage websites. 

The St Clare's College Libguides page can be found on the college Portal (see below) and houses the Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide, the College Referencing Guide and subject specific assignment guides.

Requesting a Libguide for your class

Libguides support students with every step of their assessment task, from steps on how to get started to research and referencing. These guides can direct students to non fiction resources in the Learning Commons, subject specific databases and reputable online sources.

An example of a recent Libguide can be found here...

Senior Ancient History LibGuide

Please ensure that when requesting a Libguide you do so at least one week before you distribute the task to your students. It takes time to create a Libguide and the LC staff are generally working on multiple guides at any one time.

To request a Libguide please use the link on the Portal (shown below).