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Physical Education and Health Guides: Year 8: Body Image Board Game

Task Overview

You have been tasked by the ACT Government to design a board game as part of its “Body Confident” health and wellbeing initiative to educate young people (12 to 18 years old) about positive body image. 

Funding for the initiative is for two or three people. There is also funding for a time allowance of two Health lessons before the completion date. 

The board game can be any style, however it would be a good idea to run your initial idea past your teacher first. If you are taking inspiration from another game, eg. Snakes and Ladders please ensure that you have made a reasonable number of changes to the way the game is played. 

Game format:  

  • Your game should be able to be played by between two and four players 

  • Game duration should be of at least 20 minutes (make sure you give it a test run) 

Essential Criteria: 

Your game needs to show evidence of: 

  • a relevant name and matching logo 

  • being relevant to the target group 

  • providing opportunity for the target group to access information or services 

  • decision making opportunities 

  • a positive wellbeing focus 

  • ways of promoting health and safety 

  • the development of strategies designed to enhance health and wellbeing 

  • a reasonable number of changes from the original if you are basing your game on a commercial game 

Practical Considerations: 

Your game should show evidence of: 

  • being able to positively engage the participants 

  • provide challenge in answers or strategies  

  • alignment of the design to a positive wellbeing focus, eg. appropriate colours, style, use of language etc 

  • appropriate design and finish (pretend you are going to try and sell the game for $$$$) 

  • reference of any external sources used 

  • creativity and initiative 

  • positive use of class time in preparation 

Butterfly: Body Image Explained

Health Direct: Body Image

Reach Out Australia: Body Image

Kids Help Line: Developing a Positive Body Image


Steps to making your own board game

Referencing Guide

Clickview: My Great Big Adventure - Body Image

Body image is how we view our bodies - and while children are being constantly bombarded with images and subliminal messages everyday about how we 'should' look, and what a 'good' body looks like - it's no wonder they worry about their appearance. But since our body shapes are largely determined before we are even born thanks to genetics, that side of things is largely out of our control. But what we can control is how we take care of our bodies, how we respect ourselves and how we celebrate the uniqueness of our individuality.

Clickview: BODY IMAGE - Taking the power back

In Episode 6, Sneha, Craig and Jayde share how we can be empowered to take control of our body image.