You are to submit a report to the Chairperson of the Committee considering amendments to the Crimes (Sentencing) Act (2005) ACT.
Topics: You may choose one of the following as the focus for your research:
Please note:
1. Pieces of legislation, other than the Crimes Act (1900) ACT, may need to be accessed for some of this topics.
2. Your final submission will be set out as a report which needs to include the following headings:
a. Introduction
b. Background
c. Legislation
d. Sentencing
e. Stakeholders
f. Evaluation
g. Recommendations
h. Other information
i. Reference list
Your focus for this task should be on analysis and evaluation of your chosen aspect of the Crimes (Sentencing) Act 2005 as well as demonstrating your clear understanding of sentencing principles and relevant legislation.
AustLII content is publicly available legal information. Its primary source information includes legislation, treaties and decisions of courts and tribunals. It also hosts secondary legal materials, including law reform and Royal Commission reports, as well as legal journals. The AustLII databases include the complete text of all of the decisions of the High Court, decisions of the Federal Court from 1977 onwards (the decisions between 1977 and 1996 were selected by the Federal Court), and decisions of the Family Court from 1988 onwards (as selected by the Family Court), as well as a number of other federal and state courts and tribunals.