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History Guides: The Industrial Revolution

Task Overview

Task 1 will be an in-class essay based on a unseen question given on the day of the task.

The topic of the essay is the  Industrial Revolution effects on a specific social group  studied in class.

Consider the following in your research:
-the role of a significant group that promoted and enacted some of the ideas that emerged during the Industrial Revolution.

In your response ensure to choose ONE (1) group from the following list:

  • Workers eg Chartists, Luddites, Children
  • Women eg Suffragettes
  • Inventors and entrepreneurs
  • Politicians

You will be given THREE (3) class lessons to research this topic.

You will not be allowed notes on the day of the task.

Your teacher will cover TEEL paragraphs and essay writing skills in class time to help you prepare for the task.

Using the TEEL guide to structure your paragraphs





Non Fiction Collection

Books on The Industrial Revolution can be found at can be found at 941.08 

Use the following subject headings when searching Oliver:

  • Great Britain - History - 19th century
  • Industrial Revolution

InfoBase eBooks

InfoBase eBooks can be found on the college Portal.

Historical Fiction

Historical fiction can be a great way to immerse yourself in the time period. You can discover what it looks like and feels like for someone living during the time you are studying. There are many books in the Learning Commons set during the Industrial Revolution, some are featured below. You can find more on Oliver (on the Portal) by searching 'Industrial Revolution - fiction.'


Overview of The Industrial Revolution in England and America

Clickview Resources

This programme provides an overview of the most significant impacts on working conditions and the environment during and after the Industrial Revolution.

The time period is notorious for its dangerous factory conditions, lack of worker and child labour rights, and for overcrowded, unsanitary and polluted cities. As a result, protests and new laws improved labour and environmental issues, though problems still exist today.

This Crash Course European History video provides an overview of the Industrial Revolution, and the labor and social movements that this revolution engendered. It examines child labour and worker exploitation, the evoloving class system and transformation of women. 


Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide

Referencing Guide

Inventors and entrepreneurs

Understanding Primary and Secondary Sources

Primary Sources