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Behavioural Science Guides: Year 11- Constructing Identity

Task Overview

Task: The social construction of youth identity

Your task is to complete an in-class essay based on independent research about youth identity that you have conducted prior to the task. What do you need to do?

Step 1: Case Study - Content Analysis of “youth” in a television series

1. Watch 2 (or more) episodes of a television series where the main character(s) fit into the age category of “youth”.

2. Gather evidence about the construction of youth identity through your focus on the character(s). (eg representation of youth culture, experiences of young people compared to other groups, problems with being in the youth category, socialisation processes, generational differences etc)

Step 2: Research sociological ideas Research sociological ideas relevant to the construction of youth identity including:

 sociological theories about identity and socialisation

 Social processes such as youth culture, socialisation, generational differences, determinism v free will.

Please note: The in-class essay question will require you to interpret the content analysis from the television series and the research you gathered.

 You will be provided with a specific question on the day of the task

 You will be allowed to bring in notes (see template) to assist with the task

 You must use in-text references to support your quotes and references to other's ideas. Bring a typed reference list into the in- class essay in the Harvard format based upon the St Clare’s Referencing Guide. This will assist you when in-text referencing throughout the task.

Non Fiction Collection

The Psychology section can be found at 150 and the Social Psychology/Sociology section can be found at 302.

InfoBase eBooks

Researching, Writing and Presenting Information - A How To Guide

Referencing Guide



Database - Infobase Online: Health Reference Center

Google Scholar

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Digital Video Content

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Youth Identity Video Playlist

Go to Youth Identity videos available on ClickView (SOSE> Sociology) through the student portal or click on link below to access.

The videos include the following series-

Blue Water High

Home and Away

Dance Academy

Brady Bunch

The Simpsons

Degrassi Next Class