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Novel Study Guides: Romeo And Juliet


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About the Author

William Shakespeare

Born: April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England
Died: April 23, 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England
Nationality: English
Occupation: Playwright

"He was not of an age, but for all time." So wrote Ben Jonson in his dedicatory verses to the memory of William Shakespeare in 1623, and so we continue to affirm today. No other writer, in English or in any other language, can rival the appeal that Shakespeare has enjoyed. And no one else in any artistic endeavour has projected a cultural influence as broad or as deep.

William Shakespeare. (2003). In EXPLORING Shakespeare. Detroit: Gale.

Shakespeare, William [Image]. Encyclopædia Britannica. 

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Soundtrack to Romeo and Juliet


The Montague and Capulet families of Verona in Italy are sworn enemies. Aft er yet another fi ght between them, the Prince orders the violence to end. That night two Montague cousins, Romeo and Benvolio, and their friend Mercutio, decide to gatecrash a masked ball at the Capulets’ mansion. Juliet Capulet is also there, reluctantly meeting Count Paris, the man her parents want her to marry.

Romeo catches sight of Juliet at the ball and immediately falls for her. When she leaves the hall to escape Count Paris, Romeo follows. He kisses her and she falls in love. Only afterwards does he realize she’s a Capulet. That night he hides in the garden and calls to Juliet on her balcony. They decide their only hope is to marry in secret. The next day, Friar Laurence marries the young couple, hoping the match will unite the two families. While Juliet hurries home, Romeo finds his friends arguing with Tybalt Capulet. Tybalt and Mercutio start fighting and Mercutio is killed. Without thinking, Romeo attacks Tybalt and kills him.

Romeo is banished to Mantua, while Juliet’s parents still expect her to marry Count Paris. Friar Laurence devises a plan, giving Juliet a potion that will put her into a deathlike sleep for two days. He says her family will put her in the family tomb while they arrange a funeral; then, when she wakes, Romeo will be there to take her away. Tragically, Romeo hears of Juliet’s death before the friar’s messenger reaches him. He rushes to the tomb and takes his own life next to Juliet. She wakes up, sees her love is dead and stabs herself. The couple are buried side by side and the two families are finally reconciled in grief.

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